First Blog Post. Dun. Dun. Dunnnn.
HI! To all three of you reading my very first blog post, thanks for being here, excited to have you! I would like to thank my parents...JK. So, you’re probably wondering what on earth I was thinking with this name, well I didn’t come up with it so I guess I can’t really tell you. BUT, my fabulous friend, Connor, who has a hilariously insightful blog of his own (coming soon) did. He asked me point blank what I wanted to write about, so naturally, I said my favorite contour palette and the hilariously bad first dates I go on, because what else, AMIRIGHT? And, that’s how the name was born. Honestly, it couldn’t be more perfect. This is a lifestyle blog, and currently, my lifestyle revolves around my VIB rouge membership at sephora, and my joke of a dating life. Cool.
So, why have I decided to start a blog? It's a tale as old as time, really. 2016 was a year of change for me, tremendous ups and downs, but in that time I found some solid footing in who I am, and with some encouragement from friends have decided that maybe, just maybe, my ridiculous stories might be worth sharing with the basic intent of relate-ability. What do I mean? Well, during my “year of change” (also, by now if you haven’t realized I’m over the top for dramatic effect, stop reading, this is the wrong blog for you) I spent a lot of time comparing myself to others. Right or wrong, it was helping me validate my journey and I was using various blogs, magazines, articles to do so. I’m hoping that you will read these entries and do one of the following things, laugh, cry (hopefully happy tears), or say “OMG ME TOO” and then share the post on your social media platform of choice. If I am able to accomplish a reaction similar to those described above then I’ve set out to do what I intended. If not, FAILURE. No, I’m kidding. It won’t be failure, it will just be really embarrassing, so help a sister out (this is a desperate cry for you to subscribe, or whatever).
Where were we, okay so to me, @ first blush signifies a first impression on a potential employer, a new friend, an exciting new love interest, and maybe most importantly yourself. What on earth am I talking about? Like I said, 2016 was a year of change for me. I took on a fitness journey in a capacity I had never before, accepted a new position professionally, and continued growing into a gal that's stumbling through adulthood one beauty blender at a time. I was really struggling to find my confidence and sense of self that was so much apart of me until it wasn’t (girls, you know what I’m talking about). So 2016 was the year I consciously refused to allow myself to think negatively about who I was any longer. I want to tell you this decision came from reflection and self evaluation, but really that’s not how it happened for me, and I doubt how it will happen for those of you in the same boat I was in (welcome to the club). It just dawned on me that the effort I was exerting to put myself down was to be much better used in a positive way. You know how annoying it is when people say fake it until you make it? They aren’t wrong. There is a hell of of a lot of power in believing in yourself, even when you don't. What I've found is that eventually when you start to believe it, and I mean really believe it, you give yourself the grace to make it come true, neat right? I should probably link some insightful books here to further this statement, but this is my first post, give me break?
Have I lost you yet? Oh good, so anyway, back to what I was saying...I promise not to just write about my favorite new lip stain and bad first & maybe second dates, but also share with you favorite recipes, my fitness journey, my champagne taste beer wallet style tips, and more! If you’re wanting something else specific, let a girl know, I aim to please! That’s it for now folks. I'll leave you with some photos that the lovely, Megan Weaver shot recently (she's amazing). I’ll work on a cute sign off later, BYEEEEE.