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Dating: Something that I am in no way fit to give advice on...

Dating: Something that I am in no way fit to give advice on...

Love when you’re ready, not when you’re lonely.
— Anonymous


Dating, dating, dating. Let me just start out by saying those of you that think being “single and ready to mingle” is a walk in the park, think again. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always enjoyed the freedom that comes with living the hashtag single life, however, the dating scene as of recently is literally straight out of one of the hunger games movies, *insert hunger games whistle here*. I wish I was kidding.

Why is it such a shark tank, you ask, well, it’s pretty much our generation, the millennials, fault (I can blame them because I am them). We’ve created a hookup culture that primarily revolves around dating apps, being DTF, and games. Everyone says they hate games, I don’t play games, games are stupid, yet EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE plays them, I’m guilty too, it’s fine. The thing is, in my opinion we’ve single handedly ruined the dating experience. So, how do we overcome this? Keep calm and date on motherrrr f******. Seriously, do it. What’s the worst that could happen? You have a rolodex of terrible dating stories and share it on your blog? No, don’t do that. See below for what NOT to do.

  1. Meet a boy on bumble, agree to go to dinner, cancel dinner by lying and say you have the chickenpox (not my best move, i'll admit), find out that boy now is the leasing manager of your apartment complex and your new neighbor.

  2. Meet a boy at a bar, agree to go out with him the following week, go get drinks, end up at his high school reunion and meet his ex girlfriend, of four years.

  3. Meet a boy on bumble, go out with him, decide it's not the best fit. Start talking to new boy and then come to find out he's the first boys best friend. Ghost them, then get calls from the two of them over and over when they presumably find out they are talking to the same girl... super fun times.

  4. Meet a boy on bumble (are you seeing a trend here?), agree to go get coffee with him, google his name, find out he is a recovering alcoholic who dragged a police officer across a freeway within the year while drinking and driving. Yeah.

Need I say more? The moral of the story is, my dating life is a joke. I’ve gotten myself into some really tricky situations, and then, like a bird, gracefully maneuvered my way out of them, PLEASE tell me you sense the sarcasm in this. However, please keep in mind that for all of these crazy stories there are 4 or 5 really good dates, too.

So, what’s my advice? I wasn’t kidding, keep dating. Get excited, get nervous, fall in lust, throw on your favorite lip stain (lipstick smudges, and you’ll have to check it all night, thank me later, also colourpop lipstain, you’re welcome), and go out with a “I’ve got nothing to lose attitude”. But also, know this, if you don’t want to date, don’t date. There is so much pressure put on young people to get married and have babies by a certain age, but the cool thing is (sorry mom and dad) your life is not a race. If you’re wanting to take some time and do you, do you. There is nothing worse than forcing yourself to get out there when all you’d rather be doing is laying on your couch with a pint of Halo Ice Cream (delicious, AND not terrible for you, exciting stuff).

Enjoy all of your first, second, good, bad, goosebump inducing dates by taking them for what they are worth. You’re opening up, putting yourself out there, and gaining valuable experience. Sometimes, you have to skip a netflix and chill (AKA netflix and binge watch an entire season of shameless while shoveling popcorn in your mouth) night, in order to get a little bit closer to finding a relationship with someone else, or yourself, that makes you happy. Either way, go for it. Also, still didn’t think of a cute sign off, any ideas? Until then, BYEEEEEEEEE.

Megan Weaver Photography
Shot by the lovely, Megan Weaver.

Shot by the lovely, Megan Weaver.

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