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Let's Talk Trends.

Let's Talk Trends.

Hey fam!  Happy New Year!  I hope you’re all kicking your year off with a bang, I know I did.  JK, my New Years Eve consisted of my friends and I eating and drinking so much that we felt so sick we were forced back into healthy eating, good right?  Sister needed a cleanse ASAP after that. Honestly, people that tell you it’s so easy to avoid temptation during the holidays are liars. Between holidays parties, family gatherings, and the cold weather we are forced to become fluff. It’s fine though because, chunky sweaters.  

But seriously, if you've been reading my blog you know the last few years I’ve been boldly health centric and this year I wanted to step up my game a bit so I’m sharing with you the new (and old) trends I’m getting on board with regarding all things health, fitness, and of course, beauty.

  1. Water.  I know what you’re thinking… DUH.  I hear you, I do.  I know how important it is, I just find it very challenging to drink the necessary amount per day.  Also, I loathe having to go to the bathroom every five seconds.  I’ve got stuff to do, people to see... you get it.  BUT, I’m committing to drinking 90 oz of water a day now (which is still probably low, but it is what it is).  So far, so good.

  2. Vital Proteins.  YOU GUYS.  I’m way behind on this trend, but I don’t drink coffee so it was harder to incorporate into my everyday meal plan before.  Now that they have a matcha option, no excuses. The list of benefits that derive from collagen peptides is literally endless, so I’ll just mention my favorites.  Glowing skin, higher level of athletic performance, joint health, tendon health, and hair strength.  All that with my favorite morning beverage?  Done deal.

  3. Turmeric.  I’m pretty sure that I consume more turmeric than one should in a day, but I’m completely obsessed.  For those of you that aren’t aware, turmeric is a root based plant that is most known for its anti inflammatory powers.  I first discovered turmeric post back surgery while trying to establish my routine of preventative care.  The natural supplement can be added to your diet in many ways, such as, wellness shots (you can find them in sprouts, whole foods, juice shops, etc), powder (add to eggs, sautéed veggies, or pretty much anything you want utilized as a spice), and even in the simplest of forms, a pill.  Here’s the thing to remember about turmeric, from what I’ve learned the anti inflammatory effects are best activated when taken with a healthy fat, aka oil, avocado, etc. and then coupled with black pepper.  You’ll notice that most powders or wellness shots will already have black pepper in them as that’s the main activator.  Highly, highly recommend. 

  4. Hair Care.  Hair care is an area of my life where I have continuously done the bare minimum. I mean, I sometimes use product, I just learned how to correctly blow dry the mane, and I keep coloring it so it’s got that chic damaged look, cute right?  So, this year I’m adding Phyto Hair Vitamins into my daily routine recommended to me by one of my favorite beauty bloggers, Claudia.  The goal is to strengthen and thicken my hair so it shines like the top of the Chrysler building… I know, I’m a nerd.

  5. Oils.  This might be the best thing I have ever done for my skin.  We all know the thing about skin care is that it looks different for everyone.  Until recently, I had just been using cleanser, toner, and moisturizer because it was easy enough to maintain and my skin isn’t awful so I wasn’t on the hunt to add much.  For those of you that follow The Skinny Confidential Blog, that girl is hardcore obsessed with oils of all kinds and I was hearing about it so much from her I had to give it a try.  I eased my way in with a sample of the tried and true Josie Maran Light Argan Oil.  My face is the exact definition of combination skin so I didn’t want to jump right into something without trying it.  Also, would highly recommend always getting a sample size first to see if that product works with your skin type before investing in the full size.  After just one week my skin was already glowing from the oil use and so I decided to invest.  The brand I choose is Korres, specifically the Wild Rose Vitamin C Active Brightening Oil.  The reason being is that I’m relatively red skinned thanks to my rosacea so the rose component helps combat that.  I can now safely say it's my favorite part of skincare routine. 

  6. Foam Rolling.  This is obviously not a new trend, but I’m putting this in the blog so that I might actually recommit to doing it, because RESULTS, man.  Making this part of your daily fitness routine pre or post workout is, in my opinion, so important and can really help keep your body fit to endure whatever workout you might choose that day.  Just beware because it hurts in like a hurt so good 80% of the time and like a holy crap ouch 20% of the time.  Fair warning.

There you have it.  None of these daily practices require an outstanding amount of effort but are immensely impactful for the longevity of my overall wellness.  These by no means are the only things I do for my health and fitness daily, but more so the ones I hope to be most effective over the next year and moving forward.  If I'm missing an important step, process, and/or moisturizer? Let a girl know!  Until next time babes, XO.

Mind Over Matter.

Mind Over Matter.

Dating Diaries: Episode 7

Dating Diaries: Episode 7